Purposeful Life With Michael S. Seaver

Episode Summary

🔥🎙In this episode, Mike and I discussed whether happiness is the appropriate goal, methods to become more self-aware, finding balance in ambiguity and uncertainty, and untraditional definitions of success.

Episode Notes

Watching this session, you'll learn more about: 

👉 What is happiness? 

👉 How could anyone develop self-awareness? 

👉 How could anyone navigate ambiguity, see through all that noise, and focus on what matters? 

👉 As humans, we would face psychological pressure and wrong or even traumatic experiences. What is the best thing to do for healing? 

👉 Is doing what you love (or) doing what fulfills your purpose the definition of success?


Feel free to reach Michael S. Seaver on: 

LinkedIn  |  Instagram  |  Website 

Also, check out his book, which is one of my favorite reads this summer: Apple books:  

Audiobooks (it is just fantastic to listen to this while training) 


If you want to be a guest or talk to Ben, check the link